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Savory Lamb Chops with Cherry Reduction

Oftentimes when I cook or eat a dish, I’m flooded with memories. It’s what I particularly like about food – the tastes and smells whisk me back to little moments in life that otherwise might have been forgotten. I associate food with people and places. A bite of sushi at lunch might bring back memories […]

Mystery Thursdays – Piccino

A funny thing happened during our Mystery Thursdays pickup –

I’m just getting into this blogging thing of my own, but I’ve been reading food blogs for quite some time. I remember one of the first food blogs I started reading, 101 Cookbooks, and being quite inspired by how fresh, quick and healthy the food […]

Happy (Belated) Father’s Day – Grilled Trout

Having used the grill at every opportunity over the past week, we’ve made a lot of steaks, chicken and shrimp – foods I feel like get the most play time on the grill. And as great as a grilled steak is, sometimes you just need a little diversity. While we were at Safeway debating between […]

Mystery Thursdays – Globe

As much as I’d love to deny it, I’m a procrastinator. Of course, I believe it’s because I work best under pressure and where is the pressure if you don’t wait until the very last minute? Tomorrow is yet another Mystery Thursday (from Marquita Farm) and I still haven’t posted any photos or recipes from […]

Bye Bye Safeway/Costco – Rotisserie Chicken

3 irish men + 1 large truck + 1 rickety elevator/4 flights of stairs + 2 more flights of stairs + FOUR hours + 1 old apartment + 1 shiny new (to me) condo = money very well spent.

As of June 1, I am officially moved out of the apartment and into my new […]